I think I can speak for many of us that General Conference always makes for a great weekend. I personally love it because we can learn and feel the spirit in our own home in the comfort of our pj’s. We began Sunday morning with a big surprise at the table for the kids. (This is the 2nd G.C that i've done this so the kids are really liking this, they now understand what "conference" is) Quiet kits, toys, some of their favorite snacks, and CTR badges to earn for good behavior were just a few things I had out for them. What kid doesn’t love waking up to surprises like that? I think it’s a good way to start the morning. Anyway...We followed that by having a great breakfast, French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, and Whole Wheat Muffins. YUM! The rest of the day went great, we were able to watch all of Saturday and Sunday's talks and the kids were great! This little chub was caught sucking on one of the kids' Blue Raspberrie Suckers. She threw a fit when I took it away. Ha!
i love charlotte's face in that last pic! so cute.