Friday, March 4, 2011

We've taught her well...

Tonight was one of those adorable moments and I’m so glad I had my camera handy, not to mention she has been emulating her parents “reading.”

So, Cecily and Pierce got in an argument about something. I think it was about Squinkies or something. She started to pout and went in her room and closed the door. She was in there for about 10 min before I went in to check on her. I thought for sure I would walk into a disaster of clothes spread all over her room and a new outfit on (since she changes her clothes several times during the day. Yes, we've tried taking her dresser out of her room, taking her clothes away, nothing really works) anyway... but when I opened the door, I found that her room was still clean and she was laying on her bed with her scriptures open on her lap.

My heart just melted. I asked her what she was doing and what was wrong and it went something like this.

Me: Cecily why are you in here all by yourself.
Cecily: Because
Me: Because why?
Cecily: Because
Me: Are you sad?
Cecily: No.
Me: Are you mad?
Cecily: No.
Me: Are you frustrated?
Cecily: (Head nod)
Me: So you’re frustrated? Why are you frustrated?
Cecily: Because Pierce is mean. He hit me.
Me: I’m sorry. Do you want to come out and play?
Cecily: No.
Me: Ok, do you want to be alone for a little bit?
Cecily: (Head nod)
Me: Ok, I will leave you alone for a little bit. (I walk out of the room)
Cecily: Close my door please.
Me: Ok, I will close your door. (Smiling)

She stayed in her room in this exact position (with her scriptures open and upside down) for about 2o min. I went back in 3 more times to check on her because it was just too adorable to not watch! I love this little girl. What’s even more funny is that her scowls look just like mine. I deserve this though, I gave my mom a run for her money too.






  1. oh love it! what a silly girl. that totally put a smile on my face!!

  2. So cute!! Where did you get those adorable sheets?? I'm assuming they are vintage Barbie?
