Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Char

Charlotte is ALWAYS smiling, and I mean always. I am soooo not exaggerating either, she is always this happy. I call her my little miracle baby for many reasons but she truly is the light in our house!

Right now she is pulling herself up onto everything and crawling very fast! One of her favorite things to do is turn the dial on the tv and upset the kids while they watch tv and she keeps on doing it until you block her with something. She is loving her "Baba's" and gets over the top excited when you say the word Baba. She also understands the words "all done" and does the "all done hand signs with her hands" when she doesn't want to eat anymore. Bannanas are a must for her everyone morning as well.

Here are a few cute pics of her just playing and smiling for the camera. Jake loves spiking her hair up, looks kindof cute and crazy.






Charlotte est toujours souriant, et je veux dire toujours. Je suis pas exagérer non plus, elle est toujours aussi heureux. Je l'appelle mon bébé petit miracle pour de nombreuses raisons, mais elle est vraiment la lumière dans notre maison! Voici quelques photos de son mignon tout jouer et sourire pour la caméra.

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