Oh my heck, talk about one of the funnest times we've had in a LONG time.
We love going to Colorado, its as if time stops there.
So we got invited by our friends the Underly's to go to their families cabin up in La Veta and it was unreal, amazing. I can't even go into all the details, first it would take forever and 2, it wouldn't do it justice.
We are totally getting one. A cabin.
We stayed there for 4 days but wished it was longer. And hope we get re-invited again. hope.
Our days consisted of the following:
Big breakfasts
Morning jogs
Witches Stories
Discovering new 4-wheeling trails ALL DAY LONG
Bear searching
BBQ dinners
Abandoned trailers
Getting in trouble
Double toliets
Early mornings
"Chick-munk" trapping
Late night socializing
Breaking down
Hot tubing
Scary story telling
Pouting, whinning, and crying
More story telling and socializing
Sneaking & lying
Pouting, whinning, and crying - Oh wait, did I already say that?
Rat houses
Hot chocolate
Covered in dust & dirt
Crackers & Peanuts
Charlotte discovered wine drinking and dog food
Shorts with boots
Fourwheeling off a cliff
And...its getting too late for me to think of any others right now.
It was seriously the BEST time ever. I did NOT want to leave. Why can't life just be a big vacation everyday. Work is so overated, why not just live in the mountains?
WARNING: There are ALOT of pictures.

Inside the Cabin
The balcony that wrapped all the way around the cabin
This is the shorts with boots I was talking about
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Cheryl in this photo below. She's awesome.
"Chipmunk hangout" The boys would set these traps under this bucket with crackers and peanuts and wait till a chipmunk went under it and they would pull the string and catch it. The kids were ALL over it and spending a good portion of the day, perfecting the trap.
Oh my heck, can my daughhter not take a normal picture?
The Gator, with a typical 6 people packed in it. We loved this thing.
The trap
A catch. poor chickmunks.
The end of riding the Gator. Sad, sad day for us.
Char's first introduction to Ketchup. And she loves it.
I wanted to take this tiny red chair home with me, char loved it
This did not take much bribing believe it or not
The highlight of Fort Garland
And there's my daughter again...
Sucking her big toe